Indie rock e umas pitadinhas de math rock.
After an album named Antidotes, Foals have returned with Total Life Forever. It doesn’t take a genius to deduce that something must be going right, at the very least mentally, for the 5-piece post-Futureheads-whatevers. But for a band who could most accurately be compared, both to and after, a cup of black-as-night coffee, I still find such eau de cologne (French for “happiness”) a bit shocking. Second track “Miami” bounces over Yannis Phillipakis’ telephone connection-quality vocals and winds up landing, despite its name, closer to Stockholm, Sweden than Oxford, England. But even when things sound lorry (British for “hunky-dory), like on opener “Blue Blood,” the lyrics become sobering in their uncertainty, “You’ve got blood on your hands / I know it’s my own /… / Of all the people I hoped it’d be you.” It’s a song that literally shimmers, but its joy is painted on like fool’s gold.
Each song hides more than enough intricacies, even for the jittery music fans of 2010. It’s the ambiguity of styles, the insistence on bringing the listener along for a journey, that makes Total Life Forever such an endlessly interesting statement. Whatever Foals are, and whatever they are to become, will certainly be noteworthy (...) What it is to come won’t necessarily be the best, but it will be worth inspection.
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