Pessoal nos trintas a passear pela europa, gajo americano, francesa badalhoca, mãe que andou em orgias com o Jim Morrison, pai que risca carros mal estacionados, polaroids em criança, fotos por todo o lado, balões na pila, namorados a dar com um pau, óculos à hipster.

Julie Delpy excels in '2 Days in Paris' as she writes, directs, produces, composes the music and stars in this romantic bitter/sweet comedy. Opposite Adam Goldberg, who has amongst other things played psycho Eddie in Friends and Private Mellish in 'Saving Private Ryan', Delpy shines as the nerdy photographer who has trouble with her eyes. The two central performances and sharp script means the film flows along at a pretty fast pace with the one liners so frequent you could easily miss the odd one. The situations explored around relationships and family are universal and so easy for anyone to relate to, there are misunderstood physical situations and language barriers which all add to the overall melodrama/comedy unfolding on screen. The film is peppered with brilliant moments from the awkward to the bizarre and the laughs come thick and fast, with Paris as a backdrop the lovers weave in and out of one situation to another always in love yet always on the verve of break-up. Co-starring Delpy's real father as her in film father shows a sense of tightness and a labour of love that comes across in the finished product. Like a cross between something from Woody Allen and Amelie this film has a special naivety full of wonderment juxtaposed with the dark underbelly of life that is at times hard to escape. Whether you laugh or cry you can't fail to be moved by a film so simple in its execution of themes that can, as displayed, be so complicated. Delpy has made something she, and everyone involved, should be very very proud of.

Tinha-o já há 2 semanas, aproveitei a colecção do Ipsilon (do público), mas só ontem peguei nele.
Gostei bastante, é um filme que embora não seja genial ou um marco histórico no cinema, é bastante agradável de ver, é cheio de cor (visualmente, que interiormente parece ficar com cada vez menos cor à medida que o filme vai correndo). Vale definitivamente a pena ver e é indie-friendly.
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