Sim, é uma vergonha. Toda a gente já viu isto e eu começo agora a ver, mas pronto, tive ocupado com séries que ainda muita gente não viu (VEJAM THAT 70's SHOW MAS É).
Já vi quase a primeira season toda e acho piada, porém até agora acho inferior a Freaks & Geeks, That 70's Show e maybe How I Met Your Mother. Muito bom though e a Rachel é uma fofa.
Descoberta gira da semana:

Experimental/Mike Patton é o rei
Another Patton supergroup. Good god, this man is relentless, not to mention a complete and utter musical visionary and a mind-blowing and standard-warping genius. No review of Tomahawk can go without mentioning the personnel behind this project, which mostly speaks for itself: Mike Patton of uncountable amazing projects, Duane Denison of the Jesus Lizard, John Stanier of Helmet, Kevin Rutmanis of the Melvins. This album sold thousands of copies before it was even recorded. What results meets and exceeds every expectation -- a sadistic, scatological birthing of shapeshifting, Jesus Lizardian/King for a Day-era Faith No More textures and assaults, exquisitely layered with Patton's ridiculously amazing heaving, moaning, screeching, crooning, seething, muttering. While it is certainly more straightforward than any of Patton's other post-FNM projects to date, no one could rightfully accuse Tomahawk of being an intentionally mass-marketable band, as some Patton fans want to claim. An album with so many refences to murder, masturbation, feces, sodomy, and perversion just doesn't seem to yearn for radio-friendly status. Jeffrey Dahmer could have dinner to this. Moody, violent, beautiful, sarcastic, vomitive, silly, heartstopping.
Era o unico dos grandes projectos do Patton que nunca tive ouvido.
Ouvi e amei. Talvez o mais fraquinho de todos mas ainda assim awesome.
Acho que hoje fico-me por aqui, não tenho vontade de meter aqui seja o que for.
Agora vou ouvir musica que não me apetece ouvir, ver filmes que não me apetece ver, ver séries que não me apetece ver.
Mas tudo positivamente como que o amanha vai ser mais engraçado. Odeio estas fases "whatever" que as pessoas têm e a cena é que sempre que meto aqui qualquer coisa parece que estou a sentir isso e isso faz-me rir.
Agora vou ouvir musica que não me apetece ouvir, ver filmes que não me apetece ver, ver séries que não me apetece ver.
Mas tudo positivamente como que o amanha vai ser mais engraçado. Odeio estas fases "whatever" que as pessoas têm e a cena é que sempre que meto aqui qualquer coisa parece que estou a sentir isso e isso faz-me rir.
Come here, my love
I'll tell you a secret
Come closer, now
I want you to believe it
I'll tell you all the things
You want to hear
Don't worry, baby
There's nothing to fear
Hey, little girl
Would you like some candy?
Look into my eyes
I've seen it all
Hand in hand
Together we fall
We'll sing and dance
And we'll find romance
And we'll stroll to the edge of the world
Come sit right down
Lay your head on my shoulder
It's not the point
That I'm forty years older
You can trust me
I'm no criminal
But I'd kill my mother
To be with you
We'll sing and dance
And we'll find romance
And we'll stroll to the edge of the world
Give me a smile
Let me see those pearlies
I'll do anything
For the little girlies
Descoberta gira da semana:

Scout Niblett's fifth album in as many years is engineered by Steve Albini and features four duets with Will Oldham. The record's world could be described as sonically anemic, which, it turns out, is a pleasant place to be: mired in cloudy, druggy reflections, Niblett seems to sit cross-legged, figuratively speaking, head down, a blonde wig perhaps obscuring her presence from her audience. It's only the moping we're allowed to watch, dislike, enjoy-- the crawling, dreary movements of her vocal cords, which take center stage on tracks like "Let Thine Heart Be Warmed", a rather Nirvana-y rock number without Oldham decorated with rangy, mangy verses.
Esta semana não tive tempo para ouvir muita coisa nova, portanto decidi dar este "prémio" a uma pessoa que já o anda a merecer há semanas, na altura, com o fresquinho "The Calcination Of Scout Niblett" e não com este, que só descobri (lá está) na ultima semana.
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